Compared to five years ago, consumers are receiving a lot less in the mail. Online billing is available, banks encourage their customers to "save trees" and opt out of mailings. The retail industry continues to use direct mail and encourage its consumers to visit with an attached coupon. Other companies have completely ditched direct mail to shack up with digital advertising. Online marketing has bloomed incredibly in the past few years, but require a strategy nowadays due to all of the advertising on the digital landscape. Since most competitors no longer send direct mail advertising, this presents a glorious opportunity. Direct mail, too, still requires a strategy - which is where we as a direct mail company come in. Our company targets your new neighbors. At times, a town can receive over hundreds of new couples and families. Check out an article HERE proving how direct mail remains pertinent and learn more about us by clicking on the "Magnet Mailer Postcard' tab above.
Thanks for pointing out that online marketing has bloomed incredibly over the past few years. I guess small businesses that wanted to start up this year could easily reach more customers with the right marketing strategy. They should partner up with professionals to give them the best options for the target market they have.
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